Brutus and Cassius : or, some observations on the conduct of Brutus, in reproving his friend, and fellow-champion, of avarice, and a dishonourable attempt to screen Lucius Pella, a person guilty of bribery and corruption. Inscrib'd to the Right Honourable W P---y, Esq

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Ort, Verlag, Jahr London : printed for A. Moore near St. Paul's; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster , 1725
Umfang8 ̊
ZusatzinfoEnglish Short Title Catalog, T105687. - Probably connected with Pulteney's dismissal by Walpole in April 1725. - Reproduction of original from British Library. - The bookseller's name in the imprint is fictitious. - W-- P--- = William Pulteney, Earl of Bath
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Gale - Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ZDB-1-ECC)
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