A sermon preached on St. Stephen's day, in the Parish-Church of St. Michael de belfreys, before the Right Honourable the Lord-Mayor, Aldermen, &c. of the city of York : Occasioned by the erection of the charity school, for the instruction and maintenance of [f]orty poor boys and twenty girls. [Pu]blished at the desire of the lord-mayor, aldermen, &c
Gespeichert in:
Person | |
Ort, Verlag, Jahr |
: Pr]inted for A. and J. Churchill at the Black Swan in Pater-noster-row; and Fra. Hildyard bookseller in York
, 1706
Umfang | 4 ̊ |
Sprache | Englisch |
Zusatzinfo | Anonymous. By John Bradley. - English Short Title Catalog, T9680. - Reproduction of original from British Library. - The final two leaves contain 'Articles agreed upon .. to be the standing rules and orders for the good government and management of the Charity-school, now erected in the City of York |
Online-Zugang | Deutschlandweit zugänglich Gale - Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ZDB-1-ECC) |
Persistente URL | https://katalogplus.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/title/HT017916471 |
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