Green's almanack and register, for the state of Connecticut; for the year of our Lord, 1801 : being the twenty-fifth of the independence of the United States

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Beteiligte Person(en) Washington, George
Ort, Verlag, Jahr New-London [Conn.] : Printed and sold by Samuel Green , 1800
Umfang153, [3], 23, [1] p. : 13 cm. (12mo)
ZusatzinfoAdvertised in the Connecticut gazette, New London, Dec. 17, 1800. - Drake, M. Almanacs, 617. - Evans, 37545. - Johnson, H.A. New London, 1393. - Washington's farewell address, 23 p., second count
Microform version available in the Readex Early American Imprints series
GBV - Early American imprints (ZDB-1-EAI)
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