Report from the committee to whom the petition of the merchants, and others, of Great Britain and Ireland, dealers in, and manufacturers of, linens, threads, and tapes, made in Great Britain and Ireland, whose names are thereto subscribed, on behalf of themselves, and many others, concerned and employed in the said manufactures, was referred

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Körperschaft Great Britain Parliament / House of Commons / Committee on the Petition of the Dealers in, and Manufacturers of, Linens (verfasst von)
Ort, Verlag, Jahr S.l. : s.n. , 1974
ZusatzinfoEndorsed. - Goldsmiths'-Kress no. 08142. - Hanson, 5887. - OCLC, 23072593. - Reproduction of original from Goldsmiths' Library, University of London
Urspruengliches Erscheinungsjahr:1745
Gale - Making of the modern world (ZDB-1-MME)
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