The first tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus upon the newe testamente

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Person Erasmus, Desiderius (verfasst von)
Beteiligte Person(en) Whitechurch, Edward London (Druck), Udall, Nicholas, Caius, Thomas, Mary <I>
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Enpriented at London in Fletestrete at the sign of the sunne : by Edwarde Whitchurche , 1548
Zusatzinfo"Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.". - Great Bible text, the paraphrases partly tr. by M. Key, Princess Mary Tudor with the help of F. Malet, and N. Udall; the whole ed. by N. Udall--Cf. STC (2nd ed.). - Imperfect: stained, print show-through; signature Hh lacking. - Reproduction of original in: Peterborough Cathedral (Peterborough, England). - STC (2nd ed.), 2854.4. - Signatures: A-B6, C10, D-Q8, a-f8, h10, Aa-Zz8, Aaa-Bbb8, AAa- OOo8, PPp10, AAA-KKK8, LLL10
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GBV - Early English books online (ZDB-1-EEB)
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